StreamAlive was here

StreamAlive says Yes, And… to Improv Comedy Mumbai

Swethaa Suresh
December 2, 2022
 min read
StreamAlive was here

StreamAlive says Yes, And… to Improv Comedy Mumbai

Swethaa Suresh
December 2, 2022
 min read

In improv, the only rule is to take the suggestion and run with it— also known in improv parlance as “Yes, and…” so StreamAlive did just that with our third showcase event.

You might wonder: does an improv format with audience suggestions work online in a livestream? Who’s sitting in a Zoom meeting for comedy? Should we really be mixing fun and business in this way? Also, which comedians would be crazy enough to let the internet tell them what to do? 

With a series of three games, Improv Comedy Mumbai really brought the fun.

The first game, “Fortunately, Unfortunately” asked for opening sentences from the audience. Through a StreamAlive-powered poll, the audience both provided options and voted for them. Once a starting sentence has been received, the performers continue the story with alternating sentence starts. It ended when all but one player were eliminated—with the help of our Wonder Words. 

Next up was “Excuses” between Avinash and Ankit. Of course, these excuses were pulled out of the chat with the help of StreamAlive. The game proceeded as Avinash tried desperately to leave, but Ankit tried his best to hold him back. With a timer of three minutes, this game really brought the laughs and the audience loved reacting to what was happening on stage. 

We then “Welcome Back”-ed the rest of the team. With the help of our Wonder Words, StreamAlive generated initials. The team used these initials to come up with titles and then continued the story from there. 

Last, but not least, was the fateful “Press Conference”. Ankit was chosen to step off camera, as the audience gleefully decided over the character he would now embrace a free-form power polls. Watch the antics below. 

As the curtains closed, StreamAlive pulled out one last trick: unveiling Quick Questions: 

Yes, and with a bang, the show was over. StreamAlive and Improv Comedy Mumbai showed us that business and comedy could intertwine in more ways than one.